Variant tracks

A variant track created with the variant callers in CLC Genomics Workbench (see Quality-based variant detection and Probabilistic variant detection) has for each variant the following information:
Information about location, name etc
This is all basic information to locate the variant. Furthermore there is information about the reference sequence at the variant position.
Variant type
This can either be SNV (single-nucleotide variant), InDel (insertion or deletion) or MNV (multi-nucleotide variant).
Allele variants
These are the alleles found by the variant caller in the sequencing data.
The number of reads supporting the alleles.
The general read coverage at this position.
The number of reads supporting each allele divided by the number of overall reads. See Remove marginal variant calls on how to remove variants that are low-frequency.
Forward read count
The number of forward reads supporting each allele
Reverse read count
The number of reverse reads supporting each allele
Forward/reverse balance
In order to evaluate whether the distribution of forward and reverse reads is approximately random, this value is calculated as the minimum of the number of forward reads divided by the total number of reads and the number of reverse reads divided by the total number of reads supporting the variant (see Forward/Reverse balance calculation. An equal distribution of forward and reverse reads for a given allele would give a value of 0.5. See Remove marginal variant calls on how to remove variants that score poorly on the read balance.
Average quality
The average read quality score of the bases supporting a variant. See Remove marginal variant calls on how to remove variants that have a low average quality. If there are no values in this column, it is probably because the sequencing data was imported without quality scores (learn more about importing quality scores from different sequencing platforms in Import high-throughput sequencing data). For deletions, the quality scores of the two surrounding bases are taken into account, and the lowest value of these two is reported.

Please note that the information above can be enriched using the annotation tools in Filtering and annotating variants.