
Welcome to CLC Server 22.0, a central element of the CLC product line enterprise solutions.

This user manual can also be found in pdf format: User_Manual.pdf.

You can get an overview of the server solution in figure 1.1. The software depicted here is for research purposes only.

Image server_3tier
Figure 1.1: An overview of the CLC Server solution. Running jobs on nodes requires a license that supports this.

Using a server means that data can be stored centrally and analyses run on a central machine rather than a personal computer. After logging into the CLC Server from a Workbench, data on the server will be listed in the Workbench navigation area and analyses can be started as usual. The key difference is that when you are logged into a CLC Server from a Workbench, you will be get the choice of where to run the analysis: on the Workbench or on the CLC Server.
