Data export
Data can be exported from the CLC Genomics Workbench to many standard formats. Supported formats are listed in List of data formats, but an easy way to see the full list is to launch the Export tool, where they are presented in the first dialog window.
Launch the standard export functionality by clicking on the Export button on the toolbar, or selecting the menu option:
File | Export ()
An additional export tool is available from under the File menu:
File | Export with Dependent Elements
This tool is described further in Export Dependent Elements.
The general steps when configuring a standard export job are:
- (Optional) Select data elements or folders to export in the Navigation Area.
- Launch the Export tool by clicking on the Export button in the Workbench toolbar or by selecting Export under the File menu.
- Select the format to export the data to.
- Select the data elements to export, or confirm elements that had been pre-selected in the Navigation Area.
- Configure the export parameters, including whether to output to a single file, whether to compress the outputs and how the output files should be named. Other format-specific options may also be provided.
- Select where the data should be exported to.
- Click Finish.
- Export formats
- Export parameters
- Specifying the exported file name(s)
- Export of folders and data elements in CLC format
- Export of dependent elements
- Export of tables
- Export in VCF format
- GFF3 export
- BED export
- JSON export
- Graphics export
- Export history