Sequence data formats
Note that high-throughput sequencing data formats from Illumina, IonTorrent and also high-throughput fasta and trace files are imported using a special import as described in Import high-throughput sequencing data. These data can also be exported in fastq format (using NCBI/Sanger Phred quality scores).
File type |
Suffix |
Import |
Export |
Description |
AB1 |
.ab1 |
X |
Including chromatograms |
.abi |
X |
Including chromatograms |
.clc |
X |
X |
Rich format including all information |
Clone manager |
.cm5 |
X |
Clone manager sequence format |
DNAstrider |
.str/.strider |
X |
X |
DS Gene |
.bsml |
X |
.emb/.embl |
X |
X |
Rich information incl. annotations (nucs only) |
.fa/.fsa/.fasta |
X |
X |
Simple format, name & description |
.fastq |
X |
X |
Simple format, name & description |
GenBank |
.gbk/.gb/.gp/.gbff |
X |
X |
Rich information incl. annotations |
Gene Construction Kit |
.gcc |
X |
Lasergene |
.pro/.seq |
X |
Nexus |
.nxs/.nexus |
X |
X |
Phred |
.phd |
X |
Including chromatograms |
.pir |
X |
X |
Simple format, name & description |
Raw sequence |
any |
X |
Only sequence (no name) |
SCF2 |
.scf |
X |
Including chromatograms |
SCF3 |
.scf |
X |
X |
Including chromatograms |
Sequence Comma separated values |
.csv |
X |
X |
Simple format. One seq per line: name, description(optional), sequence |
Staden |
.sdn |
X |
Swiss-Prot |
.swp |
X |
X |
Rich information incl. annotations (only peptides) |
Tab delimited text |
.txt |
X |
Annotations in tab delimited text format |
When exporting in fasta format, it is possible to remove sequence ends covered by annotations of type "Trim" (read more in Trimming).