Viewing histograms

The resulting histogram is shown in a figure 28.85

Image histogram_view
Figure 28.85: Histogram showing the distribution of transformed expression values.

The histogram shows the expression value on the x axis (in the case of figure 28.85 the transformed expression values) and the counts of these values on the y axis.

In the Side Panel to the left, there is a number of options to adjust the view. Under Graph preferences, you can adjust the general properties of the plot.

Below the graph preferences, you find Line color. Allows you to choose between many different colors. Click the color box to select a color.

Note that if you wish to use the same settings next time you open a principal component plot, you need to save the settings of the Side Panel.

Besides the histogram view itself, the histogram can also be shown in a table, summarizing key properties of the expression values. An example is shown in figure 28.86.

Image histogram_table
Figure 28.86: Table view of a histogram.

The table lists the following properties: