Kal et al.'s test (Z-test)
Kal et al.'s test [Kal et al., 1999] compares a single sample against another single sample, and thus requires that each group in you experiment has only one sample. The test relies on an approximation of the binomial distribution by the normal distribution [Kal et al., 1999]. Considering proportions rather than raw counts the test is also suitable in situations where the sum of counts is different between the samples.
When Kal's test is run on an experiment four columns will be added to the experiment table for each pair of groups that are analyzed. The 'Proportions difference' column contains the difference between the proportion in group 2 and the proportion in group 1. The 'Fold Change' column tells you how many times bigger the proportion in group 2 is relative to that of group 1. If the proportion in group 2 is bigger than that in group 1 this value is the proportion in group 2 divided by that in group 1. If the proportion in group 2 is smaller than that in group 1 the fold change is the proportion in group 1 divided by that in group 2 with a negative sign. The 'Test statistic' column holds that value of the test statistic, and the 'P-value' holds the two-sided p-value for the test. Up to two more columns may be added if the options to calculate Bonferroni and FDR corrected p-values were chosen (see 28.6.4).