Import adapter trim list
One important part of the preparation of raw data is adapter trimming. To be able to trim off the adaptors, an adapter trim list is required. To obtain this file you will have to get in contact with the vendor and ask them to send this adapter trim list file to you. As the adapter trim list has been supplied by the vendor of the enrichment kit and sequencing machine, the adapter trim list must be imported into the Biomedical Genomics Workbench. The adapter trim list can be imported by clicking on the button labeled "Import" in the Toolbar. Select standard import (figure 12.2) and find the adapter trim list you want to import.
Figure 12.2: After you have identified the trim list that you want to import, select "Trim adapter list (.xls, .xlsx/.csv)" in the "Files of type" drop-down list in the Import wizard.
Select "Trim adapter list (.xls, .xlsx/.csv)" in the "Files of type" drop-down list in the Import wizard. Click on the button labeled Next and select where you wish to save the adapter trim list.