About CLC Workbenches
In November 2005 CLC bio released two Workbenches: CLC Free Workbench and CLC Protein Workbench. CLC Protein Workbench is developed from the free version, giving it the well-tested user friendliness and look & feel. However, the CLC Protein Workbench includes a range of more advanced analyses.
In March 2006, CLC DNA Workbench (formerly CLC Gene Workbench) and CLC Main Workbench were added to the product portfolio of CLC bio. Like CLC Protein Workbench, CLC DNA Workbench builds on CLC Free Workbench. It shares some of the advanced product features of CLC Protein Workbench, and it has additional advanced features. CLC Main Workbench holds all basic and advanced features of the CLC Workbenches.
In June 2007, CLC RNA Workbench was released as a sister product of CLC Protein Workbench and CLC DNA Workbench. CLC Main Workbench now also includes all the features of CLC RNA Workbench.
In March 2008, the CLC Free Workbench changed name to CLC Sequence Viewer.
In June 2008, the first version of the CLC Genomics Workbench was released due to an extraordinary demand for software capable of handling sequencing data from all new high-throughput sequencing platforms such as Roche-454, Illumina and SOLiD in addition to Sanger reads and hybrid data.
For an overview of which features all the applications include, see http://www.clcbio.com/features.
In December 2006, CLC bio released a Software Developer Kit which makes it possible for anybody with a knowledge of programming in Java to develop plugins. The plugins are fully integrated with the CLC Workbenches and the Viewer and provide an easy way to customize and extend their functionalities.
In April 2012, CLC Protein Workbench, CLC DNA Workbench and CLC RNA Workbench were discontinued. All customers with a valid license for any of these products were offered an upgrade to the CLC Main Workbench.
In February 2014, CLC bio expanded the product repertoire with the release of CLC Drug Discovery Workbench, a product that enables studies of protein-ligand interactions for drug discovery.
In April 2014, CLC bio released the CLC Cancer Research Workbench, a new product tailored to meet the requirements of clinicians and researchers working within the cancer field. The Biomedical Genomics Workbench contains streamlined data analysis workflows with integrated trimming and quality control.
In April 2015, the CLC Cancer Research Workbench was renamed to Biomedical Genomics Workbench to meet the requirements of clinicians and researchers working within the hereditary disease field, in addition to clinicians and researchers working within the cancer field.