systemd service configuration

To configure the CLC License Server to run as a systemd service and to start up when the system boots up:

  1. Edit the file <installationDirectory>/runscript/clclicsrv.service using a text editor (e.g. nano, pico, emacs, vi or similar), following the instructions contained in the file. This includes editing the User and Group variables as well as setting the correct password and providing the installation location of the CLC License Server. Notice: the password must be identical to the REMOTE_ACCESS_PASSWORD in the license server configuration file, licenseserver.cfg. This file can be found in the installation directory of the CLC License Server.

  2. Copy the configured <installationDirectory>/runscript/clclicsrv.service file to /etc/systemd/system/.

  3. For the service to be started when the system boots up, run the command:

    systemctl enable clclicsrv.service

At this point, the CLC License Server normally has not been started. The following sections cover downloading license files and starting up the CLC License Server.

Note: When upgrading the CLC License Server in place, the file
<installationDirectory>/runscript/clclicsrv.service may be overwritten. Configuration files in central locations like /etc/systemd/system/ will not be overwritten on upgrade.