Configure the service to be run by a designated user

We recommend that the license server is configured to be run as a standard user rather than the default daemon user. These steps need to be done by someone working with administrative privileges.

  1. Create a user for running the CLC License Server if you do not already have one.

    We will refer to a user with username joebloggs for the purposes of these instructions.

  2. Ensure the CLC License Server is not running. If you are not sure, then run the stopserver.command script (e.g. by double clicking on it its icon).

  3. Check that there is no lock file. If there is one, remove it.
    ls /var/tmp/clcbio.lock
    sudo rm /var/tmp/clcbio.lock

  4. Change the ownership of the license server installation directory and its contents to the user that should own the CLC License Server process.

    sudo chown -R joebloggs /Applications/CLCLicenseServer4/

  5. Set the user to run the process in the job description file at

    Find this section:


    And edit the name between the string tags:


After making changes, the plist must be reloaded. This can be done using the following commands or by restarting the computer.

	sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.clcbio.licenseserver.plist
	sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.clcbio.licenseserver.plist