SystemV service configuration

To configure the CLC License Server to run as a SystemV service and to start up when the system boots up:

  1. Edit the file <installationDirectory>/runscript/clclicsrv with a text editor (e.g. nano, pico, emacs, vi or similar), providing the relevant information for your installation and environment.

    If you have installed the software to the default location, /opt/CLCLicenseServer4, you should only need to edit the values for the variables:

    • USER Set this to the user that should own the license server process.
    • PASSWORD Set this to the same value given for the REMOTE_ACCESS_PASSWORD in the license server configuration file, licenseserver.cfg. This file can be found in the installation directory of the CLC License Server.

    If you have installed the software to a location other than the default, edit the value of the DIRECTORY variable accordingly and check the other variables are correct for your installation.

  2. Copy the configured <installationDirectory>/runscript/clclicsrv file to your startup-script directory. Typically this is /etc/init.d.

Note: When upgrading the CLC License Server in place, the file
<installationDirectory>/runscript/clclicsrv may be overwritten. Configuration files in central locations like /etc/init.d/ will not be overwritten on upgrade.

Enable on-boot startup using chkconfigIt is common to want the license server service to start up whenever the system is started up. If you are installing on a Red Hat-style distribution you can use the chkconfig tool to do this.

chkconfig clclicsrv on

To check if the license server is set to startup automatically use the following command:

chkconfig --list

In the output look for a line similar to:

clclicsrv 	0:off	1:off	2:on	3:on	4:on	5:on	6:off
Make sure that the service is listed as on for the appropriate run-level (typically 3 or 5).