Running the Transcript Discovery tool

To run the Transcript Discovery tool, go to:

        Tools | RNA-Seq Analysis (Image rna_seq_group_closed_16_n_p) | Transcript Discovery (Image expressionfolder) | Transcript Discovery

Select the read mapping produced by the Large Gap Read Mapping tool (figure 3.1).

Image transcriptdiscoverystep1
Figure 3.1: Specify a Large Gap Read Mapping track.

You are now presented with choices regarding the overall mode of analysis as shown in figure 3.2.

Image transcriptdiscoverystep2
Figure 3.2: Specifying the overall mode of analysis.

You can specify a gene and a transcript track to add annotations to your analysis, but this is optional. You can also choose the Genetic code from a drop down menu, and the Minimum length of ORF desired.

In the Set event filters dialog figure 3.3, the options are as follow:

Image transcriptdiscoverystep3
Figure 3.3: Specifying the event filters.

In the Set gene filters dialog figure 3.5, the options are as follow:

Image transcriptdiscoverystep4
Figure 3.5: Specifying the gene filters.

The Transcript Discovery tool can generate the following outputs (see 3.6).

Image transcriptdiscoverystep6
Figure 3.6: Output options.