Per-region statistics

In addition to the summary report, you can see coverage statistics for each targeted region. This is reported as a track, and you can see the numbers by going to the table (Image table) view. An example is shown in figure 26.3:
The name is taken from the reference sequence used for mapping.
The region of the
The annotation name derived from the annotation (if there is additional information on the annotation, this is retained in this table as well).
The length of the region.
Length covered
The length of the region that is covered by at least the Minimum coverage level provided in figure 26.1.
Read count
Number of reads that cover this region. Note that reads that only cover the region partially are also included.
The GC content of the region.
Minimum coverage
The lowest coverage in the region.
Maximum coverage
The highest coverage in the region.
Mean coverage
The average coverage in the region.

Image targeted_table
Figure 26.3: The table output with detailed information on each region.