Other adapter trimming options

When you run the trim, you specify the adapter settings as shown in figure 23.8.

Image trimstep2a
Figure 23.8: Trimming your sequencing data for adapter sequences.

You select an adapter to be used for trimming by checking the checkbox next to the adapter name. You can overwrite the settings defined in the preferences regarding Strand, Alignment score and Action by simply clicking or double-clicking in the table.

At the top, you can specify if the adapter trimming should be performed in Color space. Note that this option is only available for sequencing data imported using the SOLiD import. When doing the trimming in color space, the Smith-Waterman alignment is simply done using colors rather than bases. The adapter sequence is still input in base space, and the Workbench then infers the color codes. Note that the scoring thresholds apply to the color space alignment (this means that a perfect match of 10 bases would get a score of 9 because 10 bases are represented by 9 color residues). Learn more about color space.

Besides defining the Action and Alignment scores, you can also define on which strand the adapter should be found. This can be done in two ways:

Below is an example showing hits for an adapter sequence defined as CTGCTGTACGGCCAAGGCG, searching on the minus strand.

Figure 23.9: An adapter defined as CTGCTGTACGGCCAAGGCG searching on the minus strand. Red is the part that is removed and green is the retained part. The retained part is 3' of the match on the minus strand, just like matches on the plus strand.

a)           |||||||||||||||||||    19 matches = 19

b)           ||||||||| |||||||||    18 matches - 2 mismatches = 16

You can see that if you reverse complemented the adapter you would find the hit on the plus strand, but then you would have trimmed the wrong end of the read. So it is important to define the adapter as it is, without reverse complementing.

Below the adapter table you find a preview listing the results of trimming with the current settings on 1000 reads in the input file (reads 1001-2000 when the read file is long enough). This is useful for a quick feedback on how changes in the parameters affect the trimming (rather than having to run the full analysis several times to identify a good parameter set). The following information is shown:

Note that the preview panel is only showing how the adapter trim affects the results. If other kinds of trimming (quality or length trimming) is applied, this will not be reflected in the preview but still influence the results.

Next time you run the trimming, your previous settings will automatically be remembered. Note that if you change settings in the Preferences, they may not be updated when running trim because the last settings are always used. Any conflicts are illustrated with text in italics. To make the updated preference take effect, press the Reset to CLC Standard Settings (Image undo) button.