SRA search options

Search parameters

Fields that can be searched are listed in a drop-down menu on the left hand side (figure 8.5). All fields is the default option, but specifying particular fields to use can provide more relevant results. Fields where some explanation is of benefit are listed below.

Terms provided in each of the search fields must all be present in an SRA entry for that entry to be returned. (I.e. queries use AND between the terms.) Within a single query term, OR can be added to indicate that each term should be searched for individually. For example: searching in the Accession field for SRR20016268 SRR20016241 SRR20016341 would not return anything, as the query is interpreted as SRR20016268 AND SRR20016241 AND SRR20016341 and no single entry in SRA contains all 3 accessions. However SRR20016268 OR SRR20016241 OR SRR20016341 would return 3 entries.