Data import and export

Most import and export of data is done using the tools delivered as part of the CLC Genomics Workbench. This functionality is described at

This chapter describes only import/export functionality specific to the Biomedical Genomics Analysis.

Data import

Data import is generally done using the standard tools of the CLC Genomics Workbench. This includes the on-the-fly import functionality available when launching workflows, described at:

Direct access to certain NGS importers is also provided via the Analyze QIAseq Samples tool, as described in Import your reads.

Reference data import is described in Reference Data Management.

Data export

General data export documentation is available at

Note that VCF format files can be uploaded directly to QCI Interpret, or the Upload to QCII tool can be used to upload data from CLC Genomics Workbench without explicitly exporting it first. Use of Upload to QCII is described in QCI Interpret Integration.

SAM/BAM export of UMI read mappings When exporting UMI reads to SAM or BAM format, a UMI will be described as Unique_Molecular_Index=[number1]_count=[number2]. Here number1 is a UMI ID (just a unique UMI group number), and number2 is the number of reads that are in that UMI group.

This information is relevant to the export of relevant outputs from workflows distributed with this plugin for analyzing data generated using some types of QIAseq panels, such as:
