Output of the Differential Expression for RNA-Seq tool
The Differential Expression for RNA-Seq tool produces different numbers and types of statistical comparison tracks depending on the settings of the Comparisons panel. Depending on the choice either a Wald test or a Likelihood Ratio test is used. For example, assume that we test a factor called `Tissue' with three groups: skin, liver, brain.
- Across groups (ANOVA-like) This mode tests for the effect of a factor across all groups.
- Outputs produced: "Due to Tissue"
- Test used: Likelihood ratio test
- Fold change reports: The maximum pairwise fold change between any two of the three tissue types.
- Max of group means reports: The maximum of the average group RPKM values among any of the tissue types for a gene.
- All group pairs tests for differences between all pairs of groups in a factor.
- Outputs produced: "skin vs. liver", "skin vs. brain", "liver vs. brain"
- Test used: Wald test
- Fold change reports: The fold change in the defined order between the named pair of tissue types.
- Max of group means reports: The maximum of the average group RPKM values between the two named tissue types.
- Against control group This mode tests for differences between all the groups in a factor and the named reference group. In this example the reference group is skin.
- Outputs produced: "liver vs. skin", "brain vs. skin"
- Test used: Wald test
- Fold change reports: The fold change in the defined order between the named pair of tissue types.
- Max of group means reports: The maximum of the average group RPKM values between the two named tissue types.