History and Element Info views

History view

To open the History view, click on the Show History (Image history_16_n_p) icon under the View area.

The History view shows the log of all operations carried out on this element. This detailed record can be viewed within the CLC Genomics Workbench, as described here, or exported to a pdf format file.

The table at the top of the History view contains a row for each operation that has affected this data element. When rows are selected in the table, full details for those operations are displayed in the bottom panel (figure 2.4).

Image objecthistory
Figure 2.4: An element's history.

The summary information shown in the table for each operation is:

In addition to the fields above, the following fields are displayed in the lower panel:

If the element was created as a result of running a workflow, the name and version of the workflow is sown in the side panel under the Workflow details tab.

Element Info view

To open the Element Info view, click on the Show Element Info (Image element_info_16_n_p) icon under the View area.

The Element Info view contains information about the element, such as its name, description and other attributes. If the element is associated with metadata, that association is also reported here.

For further details about element information, please see Element information. For further information about metadata associations, see Viewing metadata associations.