Download a license using a license order ID
Using a license order ID, you can download a license file via the Workbench or using an online form. When you have chosen this option and clicked Next button, you will see the dialog shown in 1.7. Enter your license order ID into the text field under the title License Order-ID. (The ID can be pasted into the box after copying it and then using menus or key combinations like Ctrl+V on some system or ![Image command_key_web](./command_key_web.png)
Figure 1.7: Enter a license order ID for the software.
In this dialog, there are two options:
- Direct download. Download the license directly. This method requires that the Workbench has access to the external network.
- Go to license download web page. In a browser window, show the license download web page, which can be used to download a license file. This option is suitable in situations where, for example, you are working behind a proxy, so that the Workbench does not have direct access to the CLC Licenses Service.
After selection on your method of choice, click on the button labeled Next.