
Immune Repertoire Analysis

Using RNA sequencing data as input, the Immune Repertoire Analysis tool can be used to characterize the T cell receptor repertoire.

To run the tool, T cell receptor reference data for V- and J genes and a trim adapter list containing a list of constant (C) regions for all chain types is needed. This data is available in the Reference Data Library provided by QIAGEN.

To download the reference data, open the Reference Data Manager by clicking on the References button, located on the right hand side of the Workbench toolbar.

Click on the "QIAGEN Sets" tab in the Reference Data Manager. For analysis of human data, select the Reference Data Set called "QIAseq Immune Repertoire Analysis IMGT Reference Sequences". For analysis of mouse data, select the Reference Data Set called "QIAseq Immune Repertoire Analysis Mouse IMGT Reference Sequences".

See section for further information about downloading QIAGEN reference data sets using the Reference Data Manager.

Note: Before analyzing RNA sequencing data, the constant region must be trimmed off the reads using the Trim Reads tool and the relevant trim adapter list. Two trim adapter list containing sequences for the constant regions of the T cell receptor are provided: one for human data (homo_sapiens_tcr_constant_trimming) and one for mouse data (mus_musculus_tcr_constant_trimming). Details about the Trim Reads tool can be found at

To run Immune Repertoire Analysis go to the Toolbox and select:

        Tools | QIAseq Panel Expert Tools (Image qiaseq_expert_folder_closed_16_n_p) | QIAseq Immune Repertoire Expert Tools (Image immune_rept_folderclosed_16_n_p) | Immune Repertoire Analysis (Image immune_rept_tool_16_n_p)

This opens a dialog where the RNA sequencing reads to analyze can be selected. These reads must already have been trimmed to remove the constant (C) region from the reads, as described above.

When the trimmed RNA reads have been selected, click Next to get to the step shown in figure 8.2, where most of the configuration is done.

Image ImmuneRepertoireAnalysisToolWizard
Figure 8.3: This dialog allows selection of TCR reference sequences as well as adjustment of the clustering and mapping options.

The options available are:

V and J segments

Click on the button labeled Next to run the analysis with default settings. Alternatively, the following options are available for adjustments:

Clustering options

Mapping options

Output from the Immune Repertoire Analysis tool

Two different outputs are produced from the Immune Repertoire Analysis tool:

  1. TCR analysis report A report that summarizes statistics of the detected T cell repertoire
  2. Clonotypes A table presenting chain type, V- and J gene segment, CDR3 nucleotide sequence and length, CDR3 amino acid sequence, count and a column indicating whether the detected sequence is productive or not.

TCR analysis report

The TCR analysis report includes the following information:

The remaining information in the report is only given for those chain types for which clonotypes have been identified.

Clonotypes table

The Clonotypes table includes the following columns:

Note All plots can be opened in table view by double-clicking on the plot and clicking on the table icon in the lower left corner.