Open additional views with the toolbar

Each element can be shown in different ways. A sequence, for example, can be shown as linear, circular, text etc.

In the following example, you want to see a sequence in a circular view. If the sequence is already open in a view, you can change the view to a circular view:

        Click Show As Circular (Image circular) at the lower left part of the view

The buttons used for switching views are shown in figure 2.3).

Image switcheditorbuttons-combined
Figure 2.3: The buttons shown at the bottom of a view of a nucleotide sequence. You can click the buttons to change the view to e.g. a circular view or a history view.

If the sequence is already open in a linear view (Image sequence), and you wish to see both a circular and a linear view, you can split the views very easily:

        Press Ctrl (Image command_key_web on Mac) while you | Click Show As Circular (Image circular) at the lower left part of the view

This will open a split view with a linear view at the bottom and a circular view at the top (see 10.5).

You can also show a circular view of a sequence without opening the sequence first:

        Select the sequence in the Navigation Area | Show (Image open_file_or_folder_16_n_p) | As Circular (Image circular)

History and Info views

The two buttons to the right hand side of the toolbar are Show History (Image history_16_n_p) and Show Element Info (Image element_info_16_n_p).

The History view is a textual log of all operations you make in the program. If for example you rename a sequence, align sequences, create a phylogenetic tree or translate a sequence, you can always go back and check what you have done. In this way, you are able to document and reproduce previous operations.

When an element's history is opened, the newest change is submitted in the top of the view (figure 2.4).

Image objecthistory
Figure 2.4: An element's history.

The following information is available:

When an element's info is open you can check current information about the element, and in particular the potential association of the data you are looking at with metadata. To learn more about the Show Element Info button, see Element information and see Viewing metadata associations.