AWS Connections

AWS connections are used when:

Working with data on S3 via the Workbench is of particular relevance when submitting jobs to run on a CLC Genomics Cloud setup making use of functionality provided by the CLC Cloud Module.

When launching workflows to run locally using on-the-fly import and selecting files from AWS S3, the files selected are first downloaded to a temporary folder and are subsequently imported.

All traffic to and from AWS is encrypted using a minimum of TLS version 1.2.

Configuring AWS credentials

To configure an AWS connection, go to:

        Connections | AWS Connections (Image cloud_access_16_n_p)

After a connection has been configured, it will look like that in figure 6.3, where AWS connections are listed, along with information about their status. These can be edited or removed, if desired. The status is indicated using colors. Green indicates the connection is valid and ready for use.

Connections to a CLC Genomics Cloud are indicated in the CGC column. To submit analyses to the CLC Genomics Cloud, the CLC Cloud Module must be installed and a license for that module must be available.

Image aws_connection_dialog
Figure 6.3: The configuration dialog for AWS connections. A valid connection has been configured and S3 locations will be available via exporters and relevant importers in the Workbench.

Click on the Add AWS Connection button to configure an AWS connection. Enter the following information (figure 6.4):

The dialog continuously validates the settings entered. When they are valid, the Status box will contain the text "Valid" and a green icon will be shown. Click on OK to save the settings.

Image aws_connection_configure
Figure 6.4: Configuration of an AWS Connection in a CLC Workbench

AWS credentials entered are stored, obfuscated, in Workbench user configuration files.

Exporting data to AWS S3

To export data to an AWS S3 location, launch the exporter, and when promptd for an export location, select the relevant option from the drop-down menu (figure 6.5).

Image export_to_aws_location
Figure 6.5: After an AWS connection is selected when exporting, you can select the S3 bucket and location within that bucket to export to.