Associate Data with Row
The Associate Data with Row option is best suited for association of a few metadata tables to a few data elements. This type of association does not require a key column in the metadata table, nor a particular relationship between the name of the data element and the metadata to associate it with.
To associate data elements with a particular row in the metadata table, select the desired row in the metadata table by clicking on it. Then either click the Associate Data button at the bottom of the Metadata Table view, or right-click on the selected metadata row and choose the Associate Data with Row option (as seen in figure 9.13).
Figure 9.13: Manual association of data elements to a metadata row.
A window will open within which you can select the data elements that should have an association with the metadata row.
If a selected data element already has an association with this particular metadata table, that association will be updated. Associations with any other metadata tables will be left as they are.
Enter a role for the data elements that have been chosen and click Next until you can choose to Save the outputs. Data associations and roles will be saved for the selected data elements.