Workbench Licenses

When you have installed the workbench and start it for the first time, or after installing a new major release, you will meet the license assistant, shown in figure 1.1.

Image license_assistant
Figure 1.1: The license assistant showing you the options for getting started.

To install a license, you must be running the program in administrative mode. On Linux and Mac, this means you must be logged in as an administrator. On Windows, you can right-click the program shortcut and choose "Run as Administrator".

The License Manager can also be accessed from the menu bar in the Workbench:

        Help | License Manager

The following options are available. They are described in detail in the sections that follow.

Select the appropriate option and click on button labeled Next.

To use the Download option in the License Manager, your machine must be able to access the external network. If this is not the case, please see Download a license on a non-networked machine.

If for some reason you don't have a license order ID or access to a license, you can click the Limited Mode button (see Limited mode).
