Output from the Identify QIAseq Hybrid Capture DNA Germline Variants (Illumina) workflow
The Identify QIAseq Hybrid Capture DNA Germline Variants (Illumina) workflow produces the following outputs:
- A QC graphical report (
) summarizing the QC for the reads in the sample analyzed.
- A Mapping report (
) with information related to the mapping of the reads.
- A Duplicates report (
) with details on the results of the removal of duplicate mapped reads.
- A Structural Variants Report (
) giving an overview of the different types of inferred structural variants.
- A Read mapping (
- A Coverage report (
) and a Per region coverage track (
) from the QC for Target Sequencing tool (see https://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=QC_Targeted_Sequencing.html.
- Three variant tracks (
): Two from the Variant Caller: the Unfiltered Variants is output before the filtering steps, the Annotated variants contains the variants after filtering and is the one used in the Genome Browser View (see https://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=_annotated_variant_table.html for a definition of the variant table content). The third is the Indels indirect evidence track produced by the Structural Variant Caller. This is also available in the Genome Browser View.
- An Amino acid track (
- If a read mapping was submitted in the Copy Number Variant Detection (Targeted) dialog, three CNV tracks (
) (Target-, Region- and Gene-level) and a CNV results report (
) will be produced.
- A Genome Browser View (
- A Sample report (
) that contains compiled QC metrics from other reports and provides an overview of a given sample. The sample report also reports whether the QC thresholds specified in the Create Sample Report wizard dialog have been met.