Output from the Quantify QIAseq UPX 3' workflow
The Quantify QIAseq UPX 3' workflow generates the following outputs:
- Gene expression track (
). A track with gene expression annotations, including counts and expression values for each gene.
- Sample report (
). A report containing essential information from all reports produced by the workflow. See http://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=Create_Sample_Report.html for details.
- QC & Reports folder:
- Remove and Annotate with UMI report. A report summarizing the identified UMIs. See Remove and Annotate with Unique Molecular Index for details.
- Trim Reads reports summarizing the performed trimming. See http://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=Trim_Reads.html for details.
- Create UMI Reads from Reads report.
- RNA-seq Analysis report. See http://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=RNA_Seq_report.html for details.