Functional profile abundance table

The functional profile abundance table displays the names of the function, along with their clan, a combined abundance.

The table displays the following columns:

In the right side panel, under the tab Data, you can switch between raw and relative abundances (relative abundances are computed as the ratio between the coverage for a function in a specific sample and the amount of coverage in the sample). You can also combine absolute counts and relative abundances by selecting the Clan level in the Aggregate feature drop-down menu.

Finally, if you have previously annotated your table with Metadata (see section 7.7), you can Aggregate sample by the groups previously defined in your metadata table. This is useful when for example analyzing replicates from the same sample origin.

Under the table, the following button allows you to Create Abundance Table from Selection, i.e., to create a table containing only the selected rows.

The data can be explored using Stack charts and Sunburst plots, similarily to OTU abundance tables (see section "Visualization of the OTU abundance table").