Batch overview

In the batch overview step, the elements in each batch unit can be reviewed, and refined based on their names using the fields Only use elements containing and Exclude elements containing.

In figure 11.12, the batch units, i.e. those elements and folders directly under the folder selected in figure 11.9, are shown. In each batch unit, data elements that could be used in the analysis are listed on the right hand side. Some batch units contain more than one data element. Those data elements would be analyzed together. To limit the analysis to just sequence lists containing trimmed sequences, the term "trim" has been entered into a filter field near the bottom.

Image batchfolderdetail
Figure 11.12: Overview of the batch units (left) and the input elements defined by each batch unit (right). By default, all elements that can be used as inputs are listed on the right (top). By entering terms in the filter fields, the list of elements in the batch units can be refined. Here, only sequence lists including trimmed sequences will be included (bottom) .

Folders that do not contain any elements compatible with the analysis are not shown in the batch overview.