Log into the server

Once the plugin is installed, log into the server:

        File | CLC Server Login (Image server_16_n_p)

That will bring up a login dialog as shown in figure 2.1).

Image serverlogin1-database
Figure 2.1: Expand the login dialog by clicking Advanced.

The first time you log into the server, you have to expand the dialog by clicking Advanced. That will allow you to enter the host and port for the server as shown in figure 2.2).

Image serverlogin2-database
Figure 2.2: Specifying host and port.

In addition you can choose to save user name and password and automatically log into the server when the Workbench starts.

Note that you need to get the login information from your server administrator.

When you press Login, the Workbench connects to the server. You will see a progress bar in the login dialog. If the login is successful, the dialog will disappear, and you will be able to use the server as described below.