# Example Workbench policy file # Each policy can be set to "deny" or "allow". # Any policies not included in the policy.properties file placed under the settings folder of a Workbench installation area will be allowed. # Allow or deny checks for updated versions of the Workbench, as well as the display of # notification dialogs about available Workbench updates during startup workbench_version_check = deny # Allow or deny checks for updated versions of plugins, as well as the display of # notification dialogs about available plugin updates during Workbench startup. # If the policy plugin_download is set to deny, no plugin update dialogs will be shown regardless of this setting. plugin_version_check = deny # Allow or deny access to online sequence and structure search engines and some databases from third party providers. Depending on the # Workbench being used, this includes Download Genomes, Search for Sequences at NCBI, Search for PDB Structures at NCBI, Search for Reads in SRA, # And Search for Sequences in UniProt. online_search = allow # Allow or deny use of online BLAST at NCBI online_ncbi_blast = deny # Allow or deny download of BLAST databases from NCBI ncbi_blast_download = deny # Allow or deny access to the Workbench Plugin Manager. Note that users can still install plugin updates if plugin_download # and plugin_version_check are allowed. plugin_manage = allow # Allow or deny the installation of plugins from local .cpa files plugin_file_install = deny # Allow or deny plugin download and installation via the Download Plugins tab of the # Workbench Plugin Manager. Setting this policy to deny also stops checks for # updated plugins and the display of notification dialogs about available plugin updates # during Workbench startup. plugin_download = deny # Allow or deny access to the workflow manager dialog. workflow_manage = allow # Allow or deny workflow installation from a local .cpw files workflow_file_install = allow # Allow or deny the 'Link Variants To Structure' and 'Download 3D Protein Structure Database' actions # as well as the 'Link to Structure' links in variant tables sequence_to_structure = allow # Allow or deny the collection of anonymous usage information, which is sent to QIAGEN. # It is also possible to opt out of providing usage information collection on a per-user basis by # via a setting in the General section of the Preferences dialog. usage_information_collection = allow # Allow or deny access to the QIAGEN server that distributes the content for the Welcome Center. welcome_center = allow #Allow or deny running tools on the Workbench when logged into a CLC Server. #(No effect on tools that can only be run on a CLC Workbench.) This property is legacy. #Please use the workbench_save_to_server property from version 25.0. run_on_workbench_when_server_is_available = allow #Allow or deny the ability to add to a CLC Server File System Location anything created directly by a CLC Workbench, e.g. data generated using a tool or workflow run on a Workbench, # data copied from a CLC Workbench Data Location, folders created using the CLC Workbench, etc. workbench_save_to_server = allow